Do you love Aware Parenting?
Perhaps you find yourself wanting to share about it with your friends and parents that you meet?
Would you love to be part of spreading Aware Parenting to more and more people?
Do you want to help other parents feel the resonance and relief that you felt when you learnt that children's feelings can be welcomed, rather than suppressed or distracted away?
Do you want to use all that you've learnt in your Aware Parenting journey so far to help other parents in their own parenting path?
Do you want to help parents see that there really is a third option with sleep - that they don't need to choose between secure attachment and sound sleep but can have both?
Do you want want to make a difference to the lives of babies and children - and to know that there is yet another child in the world who is being deeply heard and understood?
Do you want to help co-create a new world, where parenting is valued, parents are supported, and children stay connected with their true, aware, selves?
Do you want to share the understanding that there really is no such thing as misbehaviour; and to give parents tangible and effective alternatives to punishments and rewards?
Do you want to contribute to families so that they experience more connection, more harmony, more authenticity, and more love?
Are you already an Aware Parenting instructor and want support to dive deeper into your own inner journey, your own parenting, and your own unique flavour of sharing Aware Parenting with the world?

I've been passionate about Aware Parenting since my daughter was a baby, in 2002.
When she was a few months old, I sat outside a mothers' group, and cried.
I was longing to know other mothers who were practicing Aware Parenting and who were listening to their babies' feelings.
In that moment, my longing became my vision.
My vision is of a world where parents have the knowledge, support and encouragement they need so that they can listen to their babies' and children's feelings.
Where babies are never left alone to cry.
Where children are never punished, shamed, put in time out, or told they are naughty or misbehaving.
Where teens are supported in their own journey, and have no need to rebel or run away.
My vision is of a world where we all understand that children want to be loving, aware and compassionate.
Where we all understand that children only behave in non-loving ways if they have unmet needs, accumulated painful feelings, or when they lack accurate information.
Where supportive community is the norm.
Where parents and children are free to love, laugh, and do what we are here to do.
Where babies and children stay connected with their true essence.
Where we can all flourish.
23 years on, and I am seeing that this vision is coming into fruition.
The Aware Parenting community has grown hugely.
There are now even more thousands of parents devoted to growing and evolving, so that they can be the parents their children need them to be in order to flourish.
13 years ago, I had seen that many people who want to become Aware Parenting instructors had wanted some help in taking the step to become instructors.
And people who are already instructors wanting more community and support.
And this is why I created this course, 10 years ago.
For you and people like you.
So that you can go out and share your gifts with families who need help, support, information, reassurance, and inspiration.
So you can do what you love, contribute to parents and families, and make a living doing this.
And I feel incredibly joyful to be offering this to you; this support, community, and an extra helping hand in either becoming an instructor, or developing even more as an instructor.
As more and more parents search for something more, I believe that we need more Aware Parenting instructors offering information, empathy, and practical suggestions as they share their passion for this way of parenting.
There are so many families out there, simply waiting to hear about Aware Parenting.
And there are so many families out there, wanting support in their Aware Parenting journey.
They need your help!

Do you want to be fully giving your gifts, sharing about Aware Parenting with your own particular flavour and focus?
Do you feel scared to step out and share about what you love?
Do you worry how people will respond?
Do you look at your own challenging days as a parent and wonder how on earth you can be an instructor?
Do you think that you need to be perfect, or have the perfect family, in order to be an instructor?
Do you worry that you don't know enough about Aware Parenting, or that you might not know how to help?

Do you need a deeper understanding of Aware Parenting theory and practice?
Would you love more support in your own journey as a parent (if you are a parent)?
Are you longing for help in stepping past those outworn beliefs that hold you back?
Do you need reassurance that your parenting challenges actually help you be a more compassionate and helpful Aware Parenting instructor?
Do you want help to deeply value your own particular flavour and unique way of sharing Aware Parenting?
Would you like support to feel empowered and confident in sharing Aware Parenting?
Would you like help in finding a family-friendly balance, so that you can be the parent you want to be AND contribute to other families as an Aware Parenting instructor?
Do you want to understand more about the specifics and practicalities, like how to facilitate a consultation, how to run a workshop, how to write newsletters, what to put on a website, and how to inspire a group of people who love what you offer?
Do you want to learn more about offering empathy, acceptance and compassion to parents, and how to communicate Aware Parenting information in ways that parents experience as completely without judgment?
Are you wanting support and inspiration in deepening your own Aware Parenting practice as a parent?
Do you want to feel a sense of belonging and community?
Would you love to know the theory and practice of Aware Parenting so intimately that you trust that you will give parents just what they need when you talk with them?

Help and inspiration with your feelings and beliefs:
Finding your own flavour, gifts and style of supporting and teaching;
Healing old hurts and eaving behind old beliefs about speaking and showing up;
How to trust yourself as a vehicle of information;
Connecting with your own vision as a parent and as an instructor;
Honing your own practice of Aware Parenting at home;
Giving without feeling depleted;
Clarity about combining family life and being an instructor;
Reframing beliefs about needing to perfect, so that you can see that your challenges become gifts.
Practical help with:
Being your authentic you as you share about Aware Parenting in really clear ways;
Communicating compassion and acceptance to parents;
The theory and practice of Aware Parenting;
Newsletters and building a list;
Inspiring a group of people who love your work;
Facilitating workshops;
Online offerings.

Do you want to know how to read a pre-consultation questionnaire and see clearly what is going on for that family from an Aware Parenting perspective? Would you like a template for a pre-consultation questionnaire that you can alter to make your own?
Do you want to know how to listen to a parent in the session and know what it is that they are needing in order to make the changes they need to make?
Would you like to know how you can discern what they might most be needing - whether that is empathy, to understand the theory or the practice of Aware Parenting, to change their beliefs, to look at their own childhood, or to believe that they really can change a situation?
Do you want to be able to give them empathy so that they feel deeply heard and understood?
Would you like to come away after a consultation feeling energised and revitalised?

Do you want to run introductory sessions in a way so that people who are new to the ideas don't experience being judged for what they've done in the past?
Would you like to know how to create exercises so that people have have 'aha' experiences about Aware Parenting?
Do you want to help parents really know how babies and children really feel?
Would you like to help parents grasp the concepts and practices through actually experiencing that in your teaching?
Would you like to be able to explain the key concepts and practices of Aware Parenting in concise, clear and inspiring ways?
Do you want to teach in ways that help parents retain their sense of autonomy and power?
Would you like to feel so secure in your knowledge and understanding of Aware Parenting that you are confident that you can answer a parent's questions?

Slideshow videos with theory, self-reflections and practices
Audio versions of the videos so that you can download them and listen as you go about your day
Each year: Three Facebook Live trainings to ask questions, discuss theory and practice, and share your experiences (for all course participants over all years)
Peer support in a private Facebook group which includes many of the past course participants.
Screen videos - so you can actually see me go through a questionnaire, write a newsletter, create Instagram posts, create a workshop, set up a podcast, and edit a podcast using Descript
I'll give you my pre-consultation questionnaire to alter and make your own
You'll have the opportunity to watch consultations with parents
You'll have the opportunity to practice giving consultations with each other
I'll show you how to make an online course in Samcart
You're welcome to ask as many questions as you want in the Facebook group. I will answer every one!
You'll receive emotional and practical support in your own parenting journey
You'll learn from the other course members' parenting experiences
You'll be invited to read Aletha Solters's books and my trilogy of books and discuss finer points of theory and practice
I'll give you my workshop slides in Canva that you can edit and make your own
Each year: Three community gatherings on Zoom which are open to everyone in the AWPIMC community
Videos from Aware Parenting instructors about their journey to become instructors
Canva design tutorial and support
In the first 9 months after you sign up, you'll have the option to experience three 20 minute mini 1:1 sessions with me
Newsletter creating in Flodesk

Month 1: Begin at the beginning
Your own journey:
Reflecting on your own life story in the context of being an Aware Parenting instructor;
What is your deepest Self calling you to? What is your unique gift?
Self-enquiry about your birth and first year;
How your wounds have become your gifts.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying The Aware Baby by Aletha Solter and The Emotional Life of Babies by me;
The history of Aware Parenting;
Aware Parenting and the first year of a baby's life;
Crying, sleeping and feeding.
What issues parents bring in the first year, and what they need;
Differentiating between hunger and a need for release;
Going through pre-consultation questionnaire.
Action steps:
Vision Board;
Diary - planning your time to do this course.

Month 2: It's All About Choice
Your own journey:
Your relationship to autonomy and choice;
Doing what you should do vs. rebellion.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying The Aware Baby and The Emotional Life of Babies;
Aware Parenting for ages 1-2;
The balance of attention.
The holding question.
Helping toddlers sleep;
Progression from crying in arms to loving limits and the balance of attention crying "dance" (my terminology, not Aware Parenting.
More about the questionnaire.
An introductory workshop.
Action Steps:
Creating your own questionnaire.

Month 3: Finding Your Voice
What holds you back from speaking your unique voice?
Core beliefs around speaking and self-expression.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Tears and Tantrums by Aletha Solter and I'm Here and I'm Listening by me;
2-3 year olds ~ what they say and what they mean;
Empathy and listening.
Really hearing them and what they need;
Offering empathy and compassion.
Speaking your voice;
Listening to participants;
How to teach through the way that you teach.
Action Step:
Writing a workshop.

Month 4: Going Out Into the World
Memories of ages 3-4; school, separation, friends, peers;
Moving past old beliefs about going out into the world;
Finding your own flavour with which you share Aware Parenting in deeply clear ways.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Tears and Tantrums and I'm Here and I'm Listening;
Separation and individuation;
Differentiating between aggression, suppression (control patterns) and expression;
Creating emotional safety;
Non-directive child-centred play.
Parents who come to Aware Parenting when their child is 3-4;
Offering compassion and inviting them to feel any feelings of sadness in relation to what they've done.
Creating your own unique workshops;
Teaching in your own style;
Working through fears related to shining and showing up.
Action Steps:
Writing a newsletter; setting up Flodesk for emails, newsletters and courses.
Setting up your FB page and IG if you want to and haven't already!

Month 5: A Joyful Life
Your memories of play as a child;
Your relationship to joy and laughter;
What goes on for you with attachment play.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying the book Attachment Play;
How connection and play create ease for crying;
Finding the balance of attention for laughter;
Which attachment play for which issue?
Helping clients release their fears through laughter;
The control pattern game.
How you can run an attachment play workshop;
Why tears come quickly in these workshops!
Creating support for participants.
Balancing work and family life;
Timetabling and structuring.
Action Steps:
Setting up your own attachment play practice.
Giving yourself your own version of non-directive child-centred play!

Month 6: Moving Forward
Is anything in the way of you moving forward?
Your own history in relation to moving forward;
Releasing your own fears of moving forward through laughter.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Attachment Play;
How to combine attachment play and loving limits;
Using attachment play to help control patterns shift;
Creating more emotional safety.
Helping them with their issues around play and laughter;
Helping them reframe play - and how this doesn't mean we aren't taking things seriously!
Working with hitting and biting.
Teaching an attachment play workshop part 2.
See how I use laughter in workshops and sessions.
Action Step:
Practising consultations with each other.

Month 7: Living Your Vision
What might stop you from living your vision and how can you shift that?
Your family lineage of control patterns;
Your control patterns;
Your child/ren's control patterns.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Raising Drug-free Kids by Aletha Solter and Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting by me;
The evolutionary place of control patterns;
The evolution of control patterns in a person's life.
Helping parents see the link between their control patterns and their child's;
Working gently and compassionately with control patterns.
Explaining control patterns;
Why and how to tread gently - (and I'll tell you how I found this out the hard way!)
Your own website;
Action Steps:
Your family's control pattern diary. Moving past control patterns.

Month 8: Sharing Your Gifts
Your own adolescence;
Your relationship to rebellion and conformity;
Beliefs about sharing your gifts with the world.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Healing Your Traumatized Child;
Preventing rebellion or submission;
Helping them claim their true power, inner authority, and self-listening.
Helping children heal from trauma.
Sharing your gifts by being your unique self on social media and in newsletters.
Action Step:
Practising a workshop (if you intend to run them);
Sharing your gifts through social media and newsletters.

Month 9: Let Yourself Flourish
How to flourish as a parent and an instructor;
Reflecting on your relationship with siblings and friends;
Your history as a young adult;
Your individuation and self-actualisation.
Aware Parenting Theory:
Studying Cooperative and Connected by Aletha Solter;
Sibling rivalry;
Helping parents flourish so that their children can flourish.
Developing your own workshops and online courses.
Gaining a group of people who love your work.
Action Steps:
Creating your plan from here!

Pre-recorded course materials for you to do in your own time:
9 monthly video lessons (also available as audios)
9 monthly playbooks (written material)
9 monthly video tutorials (also available as audios)
9 monthly action steps materials
9 monthly self-reflections
Private Facebook group
A Listening Partnership with someone else on the course
Ongoing access to the Facebook Lives and Community Calls past your first 9 months
2025: 3 x 20 minute 1:1 mini sessions with me
2025: 3 Community Calls on Zoom
2025: 3 FB live workshops
3 Facebook live trainings
I completely love our live trainings! This is such a unique opportunity to connect with your community, ask questions, engage more deeply in the month’s material; and share your journey. You’ll be amazed how connected you can feel with other people through simply writing your own experiences, and reading and hearing theirs.
9 monthly video lessons
I’ll take you through the material in videos of slides, that you can also hear as audios, so that you can take in the information in the way that most suits your learning style. And the self-reflections are such a CORE part of this course; I’ll be taking you through them on the videos, so that you have a sense of me walking beside you.
9 monthly playbooks
Have all the material in written form, so that you can add your own notes, and refer back to things. They are available both in PDF and Evernote format. Some of the course participants print them out and have them bound.
9 monthly video tutorials
Actually see the process in practice – such as videos of my screen as I read through a questionnaire and pick out what’s important. You’ll see me do other things like setting up a Mailchimp newsletter.
9 monthly action steps materials
Have the tangible materials in your hands, whether its your planning diary or your family control pattern diary. I give you do-able action steps so that you really do go out into the world and share your gifts more!
3 x 20 minute 1:1 mini sessions with me during the first 9 months after you sign up
I will release three sets of times so that you can book three mini 1:1 sessions with me over the 9 months after you first join the course. You’re so welcome to bring your Aware Parenting questions about theory and practice, including in your own parenting if you are a parent. Or you might want to share about how you are moving through the course, or feelings you have in relation to sharing about Aware Parenting as an Aware Parenting instructor, or support with plans that you have. I would love to support you 1:1!
Before you decide whether you want to take part, there are a couple of things I'm here to say.
Firstly, this is an advanced course. I recommend that you have been practicing Aware Parenting for at least a year and that you have already taken part in an online workshop or an online course by me or another Aware Parenting instructor. The Aware Parenting with Marion Course is a very in depth course that you could do.
If you don't have these prerequisites but really believe you are ready, then please listen to yourself!
Secondly, it's really important to me that the people who choose to do this course are really engaged with it.
I will be asking you to reflect on your own life in a lot of depth.
It's really important to me that I know how that is going for you.
I ask that if you decide to do this course, that you engage with the other course participants and me on the Facebook group.
And perhaps you're not keen on Facebook - but this really is Facebook with a difference.
It's a place where everyone on the group, passionate about Aware Parenting, wanting to contribute to parents and children, can connect with each other, share your interests, ask questions, talk about your journey, ask for empathy and support, inspire each other, encourage each other, and show each other your newsletters/websites/projects.
The community is a VITAL part of the course.
And of course, there is no 'have to' here - and there may be times when you go through weeks without connecting with the Facebook group.
And I'm not asking you to be on there every day, or to respond to every post.
But I do ask that all course members introduce yourselves in the FB group and check in with the group on a regular basis.
So much of the learning comes through participating in the Facebook group.
I will also invite you to pair you up in Listening Partnership pairs, and I highly recommend that you connect regularly with your Listening Partner. Having someone else listen to you empathically, someone who understands Aware Parenting and listening compassionately, can make ALL the difference!
If you resonate with this and would like to join, I invite you to connect with me! There is a pre-registration process where we chat in writing to see whether doing the course is a fit for you at this time. If we both think that this is a fit for you now, I will send you the link for the course.
The live rounds start on the 1st of March every year.
However, you are welcome to start at any time of the year.
If you want to join the interest list, you can do that HERE.
I invite you to message me on Facebook or Instagram or email me at marion@marionrose.net if you have any questions or if you want to join, so we can discuss whether this is a fit for you at this time. I invite you to read all of the most recent certification requirements beforehand.
If you still have a yes, I will then send you the direct link to join!
Each year, I have a number of concession places. Please ask me if you would like one of them.

I've been an Aware Parenting Instructor since 2005, during which time I've written articles that have been published in many magazines, both nationally and internationally.
I've been working with Aware Parenting clients since 2005 - all over the world.
I ran Introductory Workshops to Aware Parenting for 15 years, and still offer one a year online, which counts towards the 6 hours for certification requirements.
I have run workshops and circles on all aspects of Aware Parenting in Byron Bay, the Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne (all in Australia).
I've am a level 2 Aware Parenting Instructor, which means that you can come to a 6 hour workshop of mine and that will count towards your certification requirements (if you live in Australia, New Zealand, or Indonesia).
I am also the Regional Coordinator for Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia.
I have two children; a daughter born in 2002 and a son born in 2006, and have been practising Aware Parenting with them since my daughter was 3 months old.
I've learnt the most about Aware Parenting through my relationships with them. I've learnt from what I practiced diligently and found easy, and as much from my own challenges, childhood hurts and edges.
I've been involved in developmental psychology since starting my psychology degree in 1987.
I have a PhD on the mother-infant relationship from Cambridge University.
I spent most of my twenties in individual therapy as part of my Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy training. I qualified in 1996 and worked for several years as a Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist in private practice.
I also worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Exeter, looking at babies' cognitive abilities, and I taught The Therapeutic Relationship to MA students at Exeter University's Centre for Complementary Health Studies for two years.
After moving to Australia when I was 30, I immersed myself in trainings including HypnoBirthing, Private Subconscious-mind Healing, Calmbirth, Nonviolent Communication, and also qualified as a Field Project Certified Facilitator and Coach.
I was one of the first people to become an Aware Parenting instructor in Australia, and was the first Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor in Australia.
I host The Aware Parenting Podcast, which has 3 million plays as of December 2024. Gabor Maté has been on as a guest, and the podcast has been number one in the families category in Australia.
I am the author of five best selling books on Aware Parenting, which include the trilogy of: The Emotional Life of Babies, I'm Here and I'm Listening, Sound Sleep and Secure Attachment with Aware Parenting, All of Your Feelings are Welcome (which also includes The Marion Method for reparenting) and Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children, co-authored with Lael Stone, who used to be an Aware Parenting instructor. I have children's books on Aware Parenting coming out in 2025.
I am passionate about Aware Parenting and its capacity to literally change the world.
I see the huge difference in children who have been brought up in these kinds of ways, having their feelings listened to and valued, and being deeply understood, without punishments, rewards, shame or blame.
I have been through times of finding my own practice of Aware Parenting as a mother effortless, easy, and beautiful.
I have also had really rough patches and challenging times, where I have acted in ways towards my children that I deeply regret.
What both of those experiences have given me is a great capacity for compassion for any parent, whatever position they are in.
I believe that given accurate information about babies and children and teens, as well as emotional support for our own painful places, that many many more parents can and will adopt Aware Parenting close to their hearts.
It is my passion to help co-create a world where Aware Parenting and similar modalities are the mainstream parenting paradigm.
And it's my passion to support people like you who want to help spread information about Aware Parenting, and who want to help parents.
Will you join me?

Marion was an invaluable presence in my life over a period of 6 years. From her parenting articles to her amazing personal consultations and the incredible groups she facilitates. Through her I have learned so much about my daughter’s emotions & actions and how to deal with them lovingly, consciously and effectively. And through that, I have learned more about how to deal with my own emotions lovingly, consciously and effectively. Her impact has been far reaching – she has helped me grow into the person I want to be (or rather, come back to the core of who I am), develop myself as a business entrepreneur, strengthen my relationship with my husband, and open my eyes to an amazing way to parent. I have had a number of personal development and business coaches, and none of them have provided the richness, the depth nor the loving compassion or insight that Marion has given me. Mine, and my family’s life is much richer and more connected as a result and I can’t thank you enough Marion!
Helena Mooney, Aware Parenting instructor
Marion is an inspiration, not only in the way that she lives her life, but also in the way that she shares her wisdom. Her beautiful, calm nature exudes warmth for every person that she meets. She truly sees the beauty in everyone. She wants people to shine. She inspires people to share their gifts with the world. In her consultations and workshops she empowers, shares knowledge, presence and unconditional love - inspiring each individual to find their own path. She is a guiding light in the Aware Parenting community in Australia and all over the world. On a personal level, Marion was my mentor for over 3-years and inspired me in my parenting journey. She is such a voice of reason and compassion, as well as being full of knowledge, wisdom and strength. I love her as a person, as a mentor and as a friend. I feel so blessed to have her in my life.
Georgie Bancroft, PhD, Aware Parenting instructor
I’m on a quest to heal and Marion’s listening was so effective in earlier years of my journey. I’ve seen three counsellors in my life and I can say Marion helped me heal more in two hours than they managed in many months of therapy. Marion helped me feel totally heard, totally me and that everything I say is important so I can come to the healing in my own time. Thank you Marion. You’ve helped my family enormously.
Emma Rogers Dumas, Aware Parenting instructor
My husband and I began using an Aware Parenting approach with Charlie, when she was 6 weeks old. When she was around 4 months old, I sourced two months of invaluable and life changing intensive support from Marion Rose. From these early times, my passion for Aware Parenting grew. Over the next four years, I had many sessions with Marion, who I see as a truly wonderful friend, mentor and someone who has been such a profound support and life influence for me. I highly recommend all that she has to offer.
Emma Mason, Aware Parenting Instructor
Over the years Marion has been a great inspiration to me in the way I parent through who I am being. I admire so much, Marion's ability to bring focus to what is simple and real for me. Sometimes it just seems too simple having emerged from a jumble of thoughts but those light bulb moments are always profound. Instantly shifting the way I am being in the world and everything else corresponds. I'm grateful for many things including the inspired confidence to be in the world as an Aware Parenting instructor.
Brett Darnesh, Former Aware Parenting instructor
Oh Marion, thank you so much for helping me become an Aware Parenting instructor. I really enjoyed our "Instructor-to-be Workshop" and learned a lot. Practical, straightforward and nicely tailored to the audience. I also really thank you for your ongoing support; you are always available when I need your advice - for structuring workshops, dealing with specific parenting situations, and also helping me on my parenting journey!
Martina Tyleckova, Aware Parenting instructor
Ever since I found out about Aware Parenting, I felt drawn to become an instructor. When I saw Marion offering her Aware Parenting Instructor mentoring course, I thought I could join at some point, some year….. Then one day I had the thought: `Why someday? Why not now? That morning I switched on the computer and I had a look at what Marion offered in her course. This part touched me the most: "Do you feel scared to step out and share about what you love? Do you worry how people will respond? Do you think that you need to be perfect, or have the perfect family, in order to be an instructor? I joined the course, and became an Aware Parenting instructor!
Vivian Viester, Aware Parenting instructor
Doing the Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course gave me much more than I paid for. Lots of learning and growth! There are lots of incredibly rich material, community connection and support calls, we also have a beautiful, safe and supportive Facebook community. Marion Rose is a gift to parents, her approach is the most empowering that I've ever experienced, she really values and supports everybody's unique journey. Her loving and compassionate ways have touched me deeply. You can do the course focusing on working towards your certification and professional work or because you have a call to work with parents even though you may not quite know yet exactly how and you enter this as a journey of self-discovery to get clarity and focus for your vision. What I've learnt doing this course will stay with me and it has helped my parenting too!
Rosa, Aware Parenting instructor
I had used Aware Parenting in my family for 9 years when I started the course. The Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course was beyond my expectations though, it was so comprehensive and I loved how Marion was so willing to include what we needed as we went along. The course really covered all the areas needed in becoming an instructor and the support calls and live elements created the most supportive and inspiring peer community.
I cannot even begin to find the words of gratitude that I feel for all that you have taught me and inspire in me this year. I feel so blessed to have met you and to have been a part of your very first AWPIMC. I'd love for you to know that my son, and my husband and I have gained so much from everything it has offered from the content, to the support calls, the lives (even though I didn't always make it in person) and the Facebook group. However, Marion, I mostly want to share that it has been your beautiful soul that has made such an impact on me this year. You are one of a very few people in my life that I feel so safe to be around and express my deepest fears or worries to, or my intuitive thoughts. You have always made me feel so loved, valued, accepted and heard. Your love and passion in holding such a space for me (and many others) bestowed the greatest gift for me this year, which I can say I have truly embodied in such a way that I will NEVER look back. That is the gift of a fierce love and compassion for myself, and an acceptance of myself at a level that I've never had before. You helped me understand how to identify my unmet needs and helped me understand that I have a right to have my needs met, whether it was through myself or through support from another... Some of the loving and compassionate belief systems that you have role modelled to us (both personally and professionally) were my guiding beacon of what is possible.... Marion, you've showed me in many ways, how by being your authentic self and sharing your gifts, you can influence others in the most subtle yet profound ways. So thank you... from the bottom of my heart. I'm forever grateful. xxx
Doing the AWPIMC has been one of the most profound training experiences I have had. It has stirred and helped me in every area of my life, but at my pace, whenever I was ready for it. The material is abundant, the growth triggered is deep, and the way it is delivered makes it convenient and easy for busy mums and professionals. I also absolutely relish the connections created through the Facebook group. I am truly happy to have done it.
Maira, Former Aware Parenting instructor
Marion's wealth of experience with Aware Parenting shines through in the AWPIMC. She has really thought through everything there is to prepare you to become and Aware Parenting Instructor. From sharing your gifts (including your past pains), coming out into the world, discovering your own sweet spots and how to heal from them, understanding control patterns for our own child as well as ours, and so much more, There was one module on attachment play that has given me a breakthrough to play with my daughters. She has also given real life examples in that course, that made it so much easier to understand when applying the theories of Aware Parenting. AWPIMC has helped me deepen my understanding and application of Aware Parenting philosophy not only in my family, but also the relationship between adults, and empathising with mothers (clients) I support in my work on a whole new level. I have received lots of feedback that I am a great listener, and that I offer support which not only is empathetic to the child but also the flustered family! It's one of the skills that I have gotten better at as a direct result from the course. I have gained a priceless amount of value from this course. It has been such a blessing to have Marion in my life, as she continues to share her wisdom and insights about honouring ourselves as mothers and the incredible compassion we have for our children. I am forever grateful to Marion.
Sarah Ong, Sleep consultant
I have truly gained so much from Marion's AWPIMC. She not only expertly guided me through the theoretical components of Aware Parenting, but also guided me through an experience of personal growth and understanding that I could not have anticipated! The most powerful way she did this was by embodying her own truths, and in doing so, gave us permission to do the same. I have come away from the course with a greater understanding of myself, and how I want to be in the world, and with a greater awareness of how I am as a parent, and how to navigate all the gifts and challenges my children provide. Thank you Marion!
Lyra L'Estrange, Ph.D. , Former Aware Parenting instructor
I have found this course to be so thorough, insightful and inspiring in helping my path to become an instructor. Not only that, but it has also greatly helped me on a personal level as well, through all the wonderful self reflections offered throughout the course. Marion is one of the most compassionate, empathetic and generous people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and meeting. She has been the most supportive mentor to me, and I would highly recommend her to anyone. If you are thinking about doing this course, and need a sign; this is your sign. It will be a wonderful decision and will change your life for the better.
Stephanie Fleeton, Level 2 Aware Parenting instructor
Marion’s course has been a wonderfully inspiring learning journey for me which has enhanced my work no end! I had been working with similar approaches to Aware Parenting in my sleep work for a while, so I was excited to find Marion’s Instructor Course, which would give me the opportunity to enhance my understanding and depth of knowledge. Embarking on Marion’s Aware parenting course was a bit of a risk as I had little spare time for more courses. However, one of the great aspects of Marion’s course is the timing and pacing. The course is paced over 9 months, and there’s no pressure to ‘keep up’ , learning can be self paced and information easily accessible. Because the information was presented in bite sized pieces, I found myself delving in and really enjoying absorbing the information and taking time over the sections that I found particularly fascinating. Not only does the course cover the theory of Aware Parenting, it covers all the skills and requirements that may be involved in teaching Aware Parenting and being an instructor. The online discussion opportunities and group meetings were also empowering learning opportunities for reflection, developing listening and support skills. All in all, I’m so glad I took the course – its inspiring and empowering, as well as deeply emotive at times of self reflection. It has enhanced my work on all levels. I can’t recommend Marion’s course highly enough. Thank you Marion Rose!
Ann Caird, Sleep Consultant
My experience of completing Marion's Aware parenting Instructor mentoring course was one of profound AWP immersion. The opportunity to have 9 months of structured AWP content, self reflection and a community of women to share, listen and learn from was an invaluable opportunity.
Carolina, Former Aware Parenting instructor
When I commenced the course I had no plans of becoming an instructor, the value of the course for me centred on the opportunity to immerse myself in the theory and create a space where i could dive deeper into Aware Parenting areas.
The group calls were a precious surprise, they were safe and supportive environments where all participants dived deep, sharing their authentic selves. I would step away from the calls feeling so grateful to have participated in a sacred space, where we all shed layers of pain, doubt and sadness and gained mountains of validation, empathy and courage to walk our dream paths.
In this space I learnt about the power of solidarity and the power of having a village of like minded women who truly focused on nurturing one another.
All of the above is facilitated by Marion with so much grace, sensitivity and trust, respecting each and everyone's journeys. I highly recommend this course for all mothers interested in diving deeper and increasing their understanding of the Aware Parenting philosophy.
Marion is one of the most empathic, compassionate and authentic women I know. Her passion for Aware Parenting and her vision for mentoring Aware Parenting instructors is truly contagious and inspirational. Marion shares all her years of experience and knowledge so abundantly.
Francesca Redden, Former Aware Parenting instructor
I found the AWPIMC such a professional and in-depth course which dove deep into every aspect of preparing me to become a certified Aware Parenting instructor. Marion went above and beyond in the incredible toolkit of resources included in each month of the course.
I felt incredibly held, nourished and supported throughout every step by Marion.
I feel so grateful for the amazing foundation Marion has provided with this course and how it deepened my own understanding and confidence in myself to become a certified instructor.
This course is transformative and nourishing and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Dear Marion, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the scholarship that I received this year from you. It made the AWPIMC journey with you possible for me and it has completely transformed my approach to parenting, relationships, emotions and my way forward in life. I have not "completed" the course yet, there is still much to read, listen to and integrate and I am totally fine with that. Thank you for the constant reminders of that this course and AwP is a process and that there is no "have to's" , but rather feeling into what capacity I have in each moment.
You are a fantastic teacher and mentor Marion I feel lucky to have found you and the work of Aletha. My perspective is that you take Aletha's work to the "next level" and make it both easier to integrate but also more broad and deep. Thank you for sharing your life experiences with us and for choosing this path..
Leaders like you - empathic, loving, courageous, honest, intelligent - are really needed on our planet. I see you as a beautiful role model for me as a mother and an instructor. Well, that become some what a love letter hihi. I appreciate you.
Much Love, My
I just wanted to send a message to say I am absolutely LOVING the course!!! I’m loving all the videos and the content. I’ve finished month one and I’m just soaking it all in. I love how easy it is to work through and allows for you to move how you like! I’m busy rereading The Aware Baby and taking some notes like you suggested. But I just want to send you a message of appreciation today!! So grateful you made it, that you are willing to share your wisdom thank you Marion!!!!
Danni Willow, Aware Parenting instructor
Marion Rose is an incredible human doing amazing work in the world, and I’m so grateful to have spent the past 9 months working with her in the Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course.
I came to the course with a solid sense of what I wanted from my time with Marion – deeper trust in myself and my children. The materials and sessions with Marion have absolutely given me this. I have loved her non-judgemental, incredibly warm and empathic listening, and over my time with her I’ve found that I have internalised something of her kind tone. I find myself saying, ‘Sweetheart, I’m here,’ when things are tough, and bringing far less judgement and harshness in my self-talk.
The materials Marion provides are incredible. The fact that she provides them in a variety of formats (written, audio and video) is so helpful. I’ve loved the depth and clarity of her writing and I cannot wait for her planned books to be published. The self-reflection exercises provided me with some profound aha moments and insights.
I cannot say how grateful I am to Marion. I am so willing to work with her more in future, and I wish every parent the kind of wisdom, warmth and wonderful listening Marion provides.
Thank you Marion!Belynda, Aware Parenting instructor
When I started the AWPIMC, I was a recently certified Aware Parenting instructor and I found Marion's course invaluable.
There is a TON of information that Marion kindly shares - from how to use computer design software to how to work out how much to charge clients to delving deeper into the theory and understanding of AwP.
And it's obvious how much she cares and has thought about the course content.
I loved that I can go back and access all the course materials but especially that I could paste everything to my own Evernote so I could easily finish the course in my own time.
Marion is incredibly generous with the information she provides and with her time, answering questions on the Facebook groups and in the live calls.
I found the Facebook group to be a really good resource whilst I was getting started doing consultations.Maru, Aware Parenting instructor
Marion’s Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course is a deeply supportive and transformative 9 months.
Shelley Clarke, Aware Parenting instructor and Marion Method Mentor
Marion holds a container of love and support like no one else I know and this course is no exception.
Her deep knowledge of Aware Parenting will support you on your own journey to becoming an instructor and spreading this wonderful work with more parents.
Aware Parenting has a detailed understanding of children, their needs and healing from trauma and Marion’s instructor course is the foundation to set you on your way.
I highly recommend it for anyone who is wanting to incorporate Aware Parenting into their work.

When does it start?
The first of March!
How long does it go for?
9 months, but you can take as long as you need to complete the material and you are welcome to join in with the FB live trainings and community calls as many times as you want!
Will you run it again next year?
Is it for people who want to become Aware Parenting instructors, or people who are already instructors?
Will I be certified as an Aware Parenting instructor by the end?
PLEASE READ THIS. This course DOES now count towards your certification as an Aware Parenting Instructor IF YOU ARE IN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, or INDONESIA and is one of the requirements to being certified if you live in these three countries. To find out about certification requirements, have a look here. If you live in other countries, you are so welcome to do the course, but it will not count towards your certification requirements.
Will I need to buy all of Aletha's books?
Reading through all of Aletha’s books is part of the course. Reading all of them is one of the certification requirements, so if you are not certified and want to be, you will be asked to read them all anyway.
Will I get support on my own parenting journey?
Yes! Your own journey as a parent is central to you being an Aware Parenting instructor.
I don't want to run workshops. Can I miss out those bits?
This is so much about tailoring this to your own journey. If a part of this is not relevant for you, feel free to miss it out.
Will I get to practice giving consultations?
Yes, you will get a chance to practice with your peers on the course.
Do I get individual support from you?
I offer support on the Facebook group (I aim to reply to every post!) and for 2025, 3 x 20 minute mini 1:1 sessions are included.
I'm worried that it will take up too much time.
As a single mother of two homeschooled young people, I know how precious your time is. I aimed to make all the information concise, but I also make it comprehensive. You can take your own time with this – if you want to take more than 9 months to do it; you are so welcome to do that. (You have life-time access to the course). There will also be elements on time management as part of the course.
I don't know if I can afford it. Do you offer any special rates?
I do offer scholarships each year – Please message me on FB or IG or email me if you want to apply.
Does Aletha Solter approve of this course?
Yes, Aletha does fully approve of this course and its inclusion in the requirements towards certification if you live in Australia, New Zealand, or Indonesia.
Is it just for people in Australia?
The course only counts towards certification for people living in Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. However, many past participants have come from many different countries and continents, so joining might be a fit for you. To begin, I invite you to read the certification requirements in your specific country if you live elsewhere in the world, at The Aware Parenting Institute website.

It's for you if you wholeheartedly agree with the theory and practice of Aware Parenting and want to become an Aware Parenting instructor
It's for you if you have been practising Aware Parenting with your family
It's for you if you are familiar with all the basic concepts of Aware Parenting - such as that babies and children heal from stress and trauma through connection, crying-with-support, and laughter
It's for you if you love to keep learning and growing
It's for you if you are willing to look at yourself, and your relationship to your feelings and beliefs
It's for you if you are willing to be part of a supportive, compassionate, celebratory community
It's for you if you would love to connect with others on the course
It's for you if you want to help other families in compassionate and accepting ways
It's for you if you want to find your area and flavour as an Aware Parenting instructor

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It's not for you if you have doubts about the theory and practice of Aware Parenting
It's not for you if you don't agree with some aspects of Aware Parenting
It's not for you if you are brand new to Aware Parenting - this course requires a working knowledge of Aware Parenting. (I recommend reading Aletha Solter's books and mine, and doing a course, such as my Aware Parenting with Marion Course or courses by other Aware Parenting instructors.)
This isn't for you if you don't intend to offering support to other parents (if you are wanting an in depth course on Aware Parenting, I recommend my Aware Parenting with Marion Course!)
It's not for you if you are feeling overwhelmed with big feelings in general. Being an Aware Parenting instructor requires us to be in a relatively stable state ourselves so we can offer a sense of emotional safety alongside information about Aware Parenting.

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If you want to be on the interest list, click HERE.
Doors will open in February for the next live round starting on the 1st of March.
If you want to join in, I invite you to message me on Facebook or Instagram or email me at marion@marionrose.net if you have any questions or if you want to join, so we can discuss whether this is a fit for you at this point in time.
If you still have a yes, I will then send you the direct link to join!
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